Ski Equipment

explain rocker and camber skis

Rocker or Camber Ski & Snowboard?

Still remember my very first time shopping for a ski, and I have no idea what ski camber and rocker I should choose. It’s just too many different names and types. I took time to finger it out and share the information with people looking for a ski or snowboard.

kid ski and snowboard helmet

5 Best Kids Ski and Snowboard Helmet

Nowadays, safety has become the norm for ski helmets, and people are seeking style and technology when purchasing a ski helmet, even kids. Sometimes, kids can be very picky.My friend shared her experience in choosing kid, toddler, and youth ski helmets, saving you time and money.


Rent Skis or Buy Skis? Which is Best?

Once you’ve decided to make a family ski trip, one of the decisions comes to your mind. Should you rent or buy ski equipment? Here is a guide to help you decide whether to rent or buy, which is cheaper, what equipment you need, and how to choose.