Japanese BBQ

How To Host a Japanese BBQ in Hokkaido-style With Hokkaido Beers!

When visiting Hokkaido in summer, a BBQ in Japanese and Hokkaido styles is a must-try. Because BBQ is a classic summer activity for people who live in Hokkaido.

Having a BBQ with family in Hokkaido is not tricky. You can prepare and do it on the same day without big spending even if you just visit Hokkaido few days. 

This guide helps you make a BBQ, not just a BBQ. You can explore Japanese BBQ culture in the Hokkaido way with fantastic Hokkaido craft beers.

What are Japanese BBQs Called?

There are 6 most common Japanese BBQ types: Yakiniku (焼き肉 or 焼肉), BBQ (バーベキュー), Kushiyaki (串焼き), Teppanyaki (鉄板焼き), Robatayaki (炉端焼き), and Kabayaki (蒲焼).

Yakiniku and BBQ

Yakiniku (焼き肉 or 焼肉) means grilled meat. It’s related to Korean-style barbecue, but it is now considered a cuisine. Generally, Yakiniku grills small, bite-sized meat and vegetables over a charcoal flame.

Yakiniku and BBQ (バーベキュー) are the same way of ‘barbecuing’ but still different. Yakiniku (焼き肉 or 焼肉) is barbecuing in the shop or indoors. Usually, use the grill without a stand. Japanese eating Yakiniku with rice.

On the other hand, BBQ (バーベキュー) means barbecuing outdoor in Japan, close to BBQ in Western. The BBQ grill with a stand and the Japanese don’t eat rice during BBQ. It’s what I mention in the BBQ (バーベキュー) below.


Yakitori (焼き鳥) is a traditional Japanese style of grilled small and bite-sized chicken onto bamboo skewers. It is usually grilling over a charcoal flame. 

The popular Yakitori are:

  • Negima (ねぎま, chicken skewered with pieces of leek in between).
  • Momo (もも, chicken thigh skewer).
  • Tsukune (つくね, chicken meatball skewer).
  • Torikawa (とりかわ, chicken skin skewer).
  • Tebasaki (手羽先, chicken wings skewer).
  • Reba (レバー, chicken livers skewer).
  • Nankotsu (なんこつ, the cartilage taken from the keel bone between the chicken breasts).

Many Japanese do outdoor BBQ with Yakitori skewers from the supermarket.

Teppanyaki and Hibachi

Teppanyaki (鉄板焼き) and Hibachi (火鉢) are easy to confuse. Both cooking involves grilling food over an open flame. But grill devices and food to cook are different.

Teppanyaki (鉄板焼き) uses an iron griddle to cook food. It’s a post-World War II style of Japanese cuisine. It’s like a chef pan-fried food in front of you. Just the pan is large and flat.

On the contrary, Hibachi (火鉢) is a brazier open-topped container. It’s a traditional Japanese heating device. Imagine it’s a mini charcoal BBQ grilling food on the table.

The difference between Taiwanese, Australian, and Japanese BBQ

In Australia, we usually barbecue with good cuts of red meats, such as lamb and beef. Sometimes we go more Aussie-style such as kangaroo, crocodile, or emu. These seasonal meats we put on the BBQ grill are steak-like. And Australians prepare toast for the BBQ.

In my birth country Taiwan, we marinade over the sliced meats and leave for hours. Common meat choices are pork, chicken (drumstick, wing, cartilage, gizzard, neck), and fish (tilapia, saury). Also, some vegetables with sauce or spice foil wrap and grill. Same as Australians, the Taiwanese eat BBQ with toast.

In Japan, people slice meat really thin, taking about 30s – 50s to grill. Some are marinades, and others are grilled directly and eaten with dipping sauce. Japanese barbecuing the meats often chicken, pork, beef, and organs. Also, they are commonly skewered with veggies.

How to BBQ in Hokkaido Like a Local

Barbecuing isn’t an activity unique to Hokkaido. But the Doumin (道民, which means people resident in Hokkaido) have our own unique twist on the convention.

Hokkaido Style BBQ

A classic Hokkaido-style barbecue must go with mutton and seafood.

I wasn’t a fan of mutton, but I have loved to eat it since I’ve lived here. The mutton in Hokkaido has no unpleasant smell. The famous Hokkaido BBQ mutton dish is called Jingisukan (ジンギスカン, also known as Genghis Khan, or Mongolian barbecue).


Jingisukan (ジンギスカン) uses a particular grill device to cook mutton and vegetables. You can marinade by yourself or buy from markets. You can easy to find Jingisukan in every supermarket in Hokkaido. But hard to get one outside of Hokkaido in Japan.

People in Hokkaido often grill Jingisukan on the general BBQ grill device outdoor. So you don’t have to buy a particular grill device to enjoy Jingisukan.

Hokkaido Seafood

Seafood is indispensable to a Hokkaido-style BBQ.

Surrounded by the sea, seafood such as fish, crab, scallop, sea urchin, and sea cucumber are significant to a Hokkaido-style barbie. If you can get your hands on some, why not try something even more local taste, like whale meat. You can get sea whale meat in the supermarket in Hokkaido. It has a strong flavour. Not everyone can handle that, but it is still worth trying something new. 

Side Note: Local Hokkaido people cook whale meat in the Japanese soup for New Year. So, whale meat is common for them.

Hokkaido Kid-friendly BBQ Areas

The actual summer is short in Hokkaido, about 1 month. And you only can wear shorts and swim in the river or beach during this short term. Therefore, people in Hokkaido cherish summertime very much. Outdoor BBQ in the summertime is a kind of tradition for Doumin (道民, which means people resident in Hokkaido). 

There are many kid-friendly BBQ areas around Hokkaido. These BBQ areas usually are at the campsite with a kid playground. Great places to relax and unwind after a great day in the sunshine.

Best Hokkaido BBQ Areas and Reviews>>

Japanese Charcoal

You can buy charcoal at home improvement stores, large sports stores, and outdoor shops. There are 5 types of Japanese charcoal you can get in Hokkaido.

  • Hard charcoal (Hakutan, 白炭, はくたん, Sirosumi, しろずみ) – Mainly known is White Charcoal (Binchotan, 備長炭). It is made of carbonizing wood.
  • Soft charcoal (黒炭, こくたん, くろずみ) – Generally used oak wood.
  • Briquette charcoal (Seikei Mokutan, 成形木炭, せいけいもくたん) – Commonly known in Japan is Oga charcoal (オガ炭)
  • Bamboo charcoal (Chikutan, 竹炭, ちくたん, Takesumi, たけすみ) – It’s made by carbonizing bamboo. Often used to support daily life.
  • Activated Carbon (Kasseitan, 活性炭, かっせいたん) – It is porous carbon that has been chemically or physically treated (activated, activated) to increase adsorption efficiency. Mainly used to selectively separate, remove, or purify a specific substance.

In Short!

There are only two types of charcoal used for barbecuing. 

Soft charcoal (黒炭, こくたん, くろずみ): Most of the charcoals sold at stores are soft charcoal. It has apparent firepower and a smoke-like aroma, and it is relatively easy to ignite. The burning time is within 1 to 2 hours.

Hard charcoal (白炭, はくたん, しろずみ): Hard charcoal, aka white charcoal, is expensive in Japan. It’s relatively hard to ignite, and the burning time is within 8 hours. The burning time depends on the quality of the charcoal.

Other BBQ Tools

Some BBQ areas in Hokkaido have onsite BBQ grill. So that you don’t need to prepare one. Some even provide BBQ equipment for free or rent. It’s very convenient. However, you may need to make a reservation before visiting the BBQ area.

Some Japanese words relate to BBQ that you may want to know.

  • Firelighter: Chakkazai (着火材, ちゃっかざい)
  • Torch: Ba-na- バーナー
  • Lighter: Chakkaman (チャッカマン), Raita- (ライター)
  • Match: Macchi (マッチ)
  • BBQ Grill Tongs: Tongu (トング)

Don’t forget to prepare tableware.

What Goes with Japanese and Hokkaido BBQ

When a Japanese host a BBQ in Hokkaido, the BBQ sauces and beers are indispensable parts.

Japanese BBQ Sauces

You can see Japanese delicacies from Japanese food seasonings. In Japan, they have a variety of BBQ sauces that combine with different meats. 

Japanese BBQ Sauces>>

Hokkaido Beers

Many of Japan’s best beers are made in Hokkaido. Some beer companies buy from breweries in Hokkaido and label it. These breweries also have their own label beers and craft beers.

You may hear some limited beers show up at a particular season or location. Such as:

  • Sapporo Black Beer The Hokkaido (黒ラベル The北海道)
  • Kirin’s Hokkaido Chitose Factory Limited Brewing (キリン一番搾り「北海道千歳工場限定醸造」)
  • Sapporo Classic Only Hokkaido (サッポロクラシック)
  • Sapporo Classic Only Hokkaido Summer Limited (サッポロクラシック 夏の爽快)

More craft beers around Hokkaido are worth a good try when visiting Hokkaido.

Best Craft Beers in Hokkaido>>


Summer is here, and everyone is heading out of their kitchens and outdoors to do some BBQ. Follow this article, select a BBQ area, prepare or rent BBQ gear, and buy BBQ meat (don’t forget Jingisukan and seafood) and Hokkaido beers. Now, you get yourself an authentic Hokkaido-style BBQ.

Besides Barbecuing, there are many family activities in Hokkaido summer—Click Here>>